DELTA Module 2: How to Prepare for This Course?

How to get ready for DELTA Module 2?

How to get ready for DELTA Module 2?


  • Teaching qualifications
  • Activities
  • Tips & Strategies

DELTA Module Two is a practical course usually taken at an authorised Cambridge Assessment Centre. Training usually takes place once or twice a year, and from 2020 the DELTA course can be taken online.

The requirements for candidates are quite high, and training is intensive and quite expensive, so it is better to prepare for the course in advance to be able to focus on learning something new, rather than obvious things that you should already know. 

If you prepare in advance, you will have more time for careful analysis, lesson planning and writing assignments, experimentation, and personal development as a teacher during the course. What can you do first of all to feel more confident? 

Here are some pieces of advice from our DELTA-qualified professionals.

Create effective lesson plans

Know the DELTA Module 2 Structure

According to DELTA Module 2 summary, the number of assignments consists of:

  • two systems assignments and two skills assignments
  • a two-part Professional Development Assignment (2,000–2,500 words each part)

As for the task types, each systems assignment has the following:

  • a background essay (2,000–2,500 words) in which you are supposed to explore an area of language systems and consider related teaching and learning issues 
  • planning, teaching and evaluation of a lesson related to the chosen area.

Each skills assignment contains:

  • a background essay (2,000-2,500 words each) in which the candidate explores an area of language skills and considers related teaching and learning issues 
  • planning, teaching and evaluation of a lesson related to the chosen area.

Finally, the Professional Development Assignment includes

  • Reflection and Action
  • Experimental Practice

The main focus of DELTA Module 2 is developing your professional practice and expertise in effective teaching in various contexts. Here you can learn about the structure in detail. 

Take a good rest

Weird as it may sound, DELTA is an extremely intensive course. You cannot be sure how much you have to read and write during this course. So if you do not have a good rest before taking it, you may later regret it.

DELTA requires a lot of self-organization and concentration. The tasks themselves may not be difficult, but you will have to perform multiple tasks in a very short period of time. After that, there is almost no time left to prepare lessons and complete written assignments. Therefore, it is better to learn how to manage your time properly before the course starts.

Potential challenges you may face include:

  1. Intense work. You are supposed to go through an intense program over a period of 6-8 weeks. If you work full-time, it might be challenging to meet all the deadlines. Professionals advise not to plan any other courses or projects which may distract you from DELTA. 
  2. Lack of experience. You are expected to be rather experienced in all aspects of teaching before you apply. So, the class is always very advanced and competitive.
  3. Criticism. There might be some criticism but it is actually the good part as well. That’s always very helpful to be assessed and observed by much more experienced professionals.
  4. Self-awareness. It’s better to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses even before you start your DELTA journey to know what you are actually looking for.


If you are preparing for or have already passed the DELTA Module One exam, then you have already had the opportunity to read some wonderful books about ELT. If it's been a long time, start with more general ones to bring you to speed. Not only will you prepare for the course, but you will also learn to navigate among the books that you will definitely have to return to while studying. 

However, you will not have enough time then. So the more you do in advance, the better!

First of all, look at the following authors: 

  • Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom (Tricia Hedge)
  • An A-Z of ELT (Scott Thornbury)
  • About Language (Scott Thornbury)
  • The English Verb (Michael Lewis)
  • Sound Foundations(Adrian Underhill)
  • How Languages are Learned (Patsy M. Lightbrown  & Nina Spade)
  • The Practice of English LanguageTeaching (Jeremy Harmer)

Also, use DELTA Module Two Reading List from Cambridge. Although it is quite long, it includes all the topics of the course. Most training centers usually recommend their reading lists. If you haven’t been interviewed yet, start with the simplest.

Check out the official materials from Cambridge

On the Cambridge English website, you will find the necessary information on all modules. You will need a syllabus and a handbook. When you read them, take notes, considering:

  • what you know, and what you do not know,
  • what will be difficult or less difficult for you,
  • what will be the most interesting or the most useful for you,
  • what is comprehensible and what is not.

You may have to read them several times because they are quite informative.

Reading the syllabus and handbook will help you clearly understand:

  • which sections of ELT will be most interesting for you to study during the course;
  • what you know the least, or know nothing at all;
  • what you focus your LSAs (Language Systems / Skills Assignments) and other tasks on. 

And, if you have not decided which book to start reading first, after this step, it will be easier for you to choose the literature to prepare for the course.

Improve your level of English

Before you apply for a course, make sure you speak English at a fairly high level. The minimum level is C1 on the CEFR scale. However, this may not be enough. Cambridge says you need to be sure that "your English is good enough to teach at a range of levels". That is, you need to know both the language and about the language.

In addition, another requirement for candidates is to have quality English teaching experience in a variety of contexts. Before you dare to do DELTA, you should feel that you no longer recognize the "clumsy" and "inexperienced" teacher you were at the end of the CELTA course. 

By the way, the CELTA certificate is also one of the requirements. However, it all depends on the candidate and his/her experience and knowledge. In some cases, a certificate is not required.

To be in shape between CELTA and DELTA, prepare for and pass one of the international exams, such as CAE or CPE.

Decide on four aspects on which to focus your LSAs

During DELTA Module Two you will need to conduct 4 lessons to be observed (LSAs). They are divided into systems and skills. They include grammar, vocabulary, phonology and discourse analysis. Others: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Your four TPs include two systems lessons and two skills lessons, one of which should be receptive (listening / reading) and the other productive (speaking / writing). In order to receive the certificate, you need to pass at least 2 lessons — one on systems and one on skills. This cannot be repeated. For example, if you have already focused one LSA on vocabulary, you can't do it again.

Important: consult your centre before choosing. They may have set their own rules as to which aspects to focus on.

If you have at least a rough idea of the four areas you would like to explore, you can start reading some of the most important books in these areas.

Learn the phonemic chart

...if you haven’t done so yet. Knowledge of phonemes is required for the DELTA Module 1 exam, otherwise, you will fail one of the tasks. You will also need them at different stages of Module 2 and Module 3. Even if you never use phonemes in class or do not want to teach them, you should know them.

If you do not know how to properly transcribe what you hear and what you intend to teach and research, you may have difficulty because you will not be able to properly analyze spoken language or perhaps teach it well.

Adrian Underhill’s blog, Adrian’s Pron Chart Blog, where he talks about English phonemes is quite interesting. 

Observe others teaching

The absolute minimum set by Cambridge is that you have to observe other teachers for 10 hours. In some courses, these observations will take place during the course, in others you are expected to arrange them yourself. Some courses also have access to video recordings of lessons which can be used during these hours.

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You will save a lot of time and energy if you find the opportunity to observe other teachers before the course and keep records of what you have done.

In particular, try to observe teachers who teach at levels you are less familiar with and who do not use approaches that you use yourself.

One of the aims of the DELTA course is to get you to reconsider your beliefs about teaching in the light of your experience and reading. Observing others becomes a good stimulus for reflection.

Now is also a good time, especially if you haven't been observed regularly (or never), to get used to the feeling that people in the class are watching what's happening.

For some colleagues who teach in organizations where ongoing support and observation are not a priority, being observed is a real shock. Be prepared for this not to happen to you.

Build your network

Finally, remember that DELTA is not only about self-development but also about networking. You are going to get to know other professionals and how they work.

Don’t miss this opportunity to present yourself and make some useful connections or even friends.

You and your classmates are about to obtain a pretty challenging experience, so a helping hand is something that all of you will definitely need. 

If you are interested in more information on preparation as well as getting some DELTA-qualified professionals’ support, you may always rely on Grade University. 


1. Can you apply for some other courses while working on your DELTA Module 2?

2. Are you going to present your lesson plans to other people?

Article authors & editors
  • Yulia Chorna

    Yulia Chorna


    Product Manager at Grade University | Experienced Educator in General, Business English & Exam Prep | ELT Conference Organiser | Speaker at TESOL & IATEFL Conferences | Passionate About Teacher Development & Educational Innovation

  • Arina Kravchenko

    Arina Kravchenko


    Teacher of General English & IELTS



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