Getting started with CLIL: essential steps for teachers

How to start with CLIL?

How to start with CLIL?


  • Methodology

Have you ever wondered how to effectively combine subject teaching and foreign language learning? 

If so, the CLIL method might be just what you are looking for. 

CLIL, or Content and Language Integrated Learning, allows students to learn a new subject topic while simultaneously developing language skills.

You are likely already using some elements of CLIL in your practice without even realising it. 

For instance, when you ask students to explain material in English or deliver a presentation in a foreign language, these tasks already incorporate CLIL principles.

CLIL is not something entirely new and complex. 

It is a natural extension of the methods you are already using in the classroom. 

With the right approach and preparation, you can make your lessons even more interesting and beneficial for students. 

Let’s explore how to start using CLIL and what steps will help you do so.

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Understanding the basics of CLIL

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is an educational approach that combines subject learning with a foreign language, allowing students to simultaneously master subject content and develop language skills.

When discussing CLIL, it's impossible to overlook its four key principles — those very four "C's"

Let's break them down to understand what's what:


This is the foundation of the lesson — the subject matter we are teaching.


It's important for students not just to listen but also to speak, discuss, and ask questions in the target language. 

The more they use the language in practice, the more confident they become.


This is about how students think during the lesson. 

They don't just repeat memorised phrases, they analyse, compare, and solve problems.


This refers to how learning helps students better understand other cultures

By studying a subject in a foreign language, they learn more about the lives and traditions of other countries.

Thanks to the principles of CLIL, students develop in a well-rounded way, gaining knowledge and skills that will be useful in real life.

It is recommended to study literature on CLIL, including books, articles, and research papers. 

This will help you understand how the method works and what advantages it can offer. 

You should also be aware of all the benefits of this approach. 

For example, with CLIL, students can learn the language more quickly and grasp the subject matter more effectively

Thus, CLIL provides an opportunity to efficiently learn a language and gain a deep understanding of the subject.

Define language and subject objectives

Before implementing the CLIL method, it is important to determine which approach will be used: hard CLIL or soft CLIL

This choice influences the setting of language and subject goals and the way the teaching will be conducted.

Hard CLIL involves a deep integration of subject and language learning.

In this approach, the entire learning process is conducted in a foreign language, and the language is used as a means of mastering the subject.

Soft CLIL takes a more flexible approach, where the foreign language is used in certain aspects of the learning process rather than throughout the entire course.

This may include studying specific topics, using the language in project work, or conducting some lessons in a foreign language.

Once you have decided which type of CLIL is needed at this stage, you can begin setting language and subject goals.

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 Language goals are aimed at developing students' language skills. 

They should be clear and specific so that students understand which aspects of the language they will be developing.

The main language skills to consider include listening, reading, speaking, writing, vocabulary and grammar.

For example, you might set the following goals:

  • Master the grammatical structures necessary to discuss the lesson's topic.
  • Develop the skills needed to understand and analyse academic texts.

Subject goals are related to the content of the lesson and aim to develop knowledge and understanding of the subject being studied. 

They should be clear and achievable so that students can successfully master the learning material. 

For example:

  • Understand the basic principles and theories related to the lesson's topic.
  • Learn to apply theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

For successful CLIL implementation, it is necessary to integrate language and subject goals so that they complement each other

This means that lessons should be planned in such a way that language skills are developed in the context of the subject being studied.

Selection and adaptation of educational materials

For successful learning through the CLIL method, it is necessary to carefully select and adapt materials so that they meet both linguistic and subject-specific goals.

Use textbooks, articles, scholarly journals, and online resources that contain up-to-date information on the topics being studied. 

Pay attention to the complexity of the texts and ensure that they correspond to the language proficiency level of the students. 

If necessary, simplify the material for lower levels so that it will be understandable to students, but ensure you retain the key concepts and terminology. 

Multimedia resources

The use of multimedia resources can significantly increase students’ interest and engagement, as well as facilitate better understanding and retention of the material.

Select videos and audio recordings that illustrate the topics being studied. 

For advanced language learners, these might include expert lectures, podcasts, or interviews

You can also develop presentations that include interactive elements and quizzes. 

Be sure to incorporate images and graphs into the presentations to visualise the information provided.

Quality materials and resources for CLIL should be tailored to the needs of the students and encourage their active participation in the learning process, motivating and inspiring them to study complex topics.

How to deal with unknown words in the text

Assessment and feedback

Regular assessment of students' achievements through tests and other methods allows for tracking their progress and identifying areas that require attention. 

When evaluating students' work, it is important to find a balance between assessing content and language. 

To ensure the process is fair and clear, it is better to separate these two aspects. 

Feedback on language errors is best given during lessons rather than including it in the final grade for content.

This way, students can focus on understanding the material rather than solely on correcting mistakes.

It is also helpful to occasionally conduct projects where language is assessed separately. 

This approach allows for a fair evaluation of both content and language skills, giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities across different areas.

In conclusion, CLIL is a method that enhances students' language skills and makes subject learning more engaging. 

Imagine students discussing complex topics in a foreign language, developing projects, and applying new knowledge in practice. 

With the right preparation, you can implement CLIL in your lessons, making them more enriching and effective

Let your teaching become innovative and exciting with the help of CLIL!

Article authors & editors
  • Kateryna Kuchynska

    Kateryna Kuchynska


    Teacher of General English



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