Developing Reading Skills Webinar by Grade University

The Power of Reading: Helping Students Become Competent Readers

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A lot of lessons that we conduct require learners to read a text. Most of the time, this reading is used for stimulating discussions, introducing grammar or vocabulary. But does this way of using texts provide students with enough practice to acquire appropriate reading skills? In this webinar, we’re going to have a look at what reading skills our students can develop, as well as the ways of exploiting texts to conduct reading rather than language lessons. During the webinar, we will identify the characteristics of a good reader; look at the most common reading skills and strategies; learn a variety of practice reading activities to take into your class. 


  • Teaching teens
  • Teaching adults
  • Approaches to teaching
  • Teaching reading
  • Online teaching


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Irina Avalishvili


DELTA Module 2, CELTA, CELT-S certified teacher of General, Business & Legal English

Who is this Video for?

  • teachers who work with individual students
  • teachers who work with groups of students
  • teachers who would like to broaden their repertory of methods and resources for teaching reading

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