Time Management Webinar by Grade University

Time Management or Self Management

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English teachers! Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed with all the things on your to-do list and clueless about how to improve the situation? It is a common feeling because we are not always smart about managing our time. We struggle with time management so much that an entire industry has grown up around us to help us use time more effectively.

In this webinar, Alona Trygub would like to start off by suggesting a very simple approach that I have shared with people that just might transform your day. We will look at:

— How to multiply your time by investing time in things today that will give you more time tomorrow.

— Why time management is not just logical; it's emotional.

— Why 'prioritizing' does not always create more time.

— Why multitasking is a myth.

The practical ideas for the webinar come from a variety of resources, but all of them have been tested and backed by real-life case studies.


  • Teaching adults
  • Approaches to teaching
  • Online teaching


Who is this Video for?

  • Teachers in public schools
  • Individual tutors

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