9 teaching grammar methods for ESL teacher
Teach IELTS Academic Writing

Buy this teaching credential only for $109.02 and save $28.98 for all courses total
Courses in Teaching Credential
About the Teaching Credential
Experienced, Expert
Your Students
Adults, Teenagers
Required time
24 hours
This exclusive Teaching Credential comprises two essential courses meticulously crafted to equip you with the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of IELTS essays and visuals and guide your students towards achieving Band 7 and beyond.
Teach IELTS Visuals equips you with the knowledge and framework to effectively teach students how to tackle Academic Writing Task 1. From understanding and describing visuals to assessing task requirements and teaching strategies, you'll gain the expertise needed to guide your students towards success. With practical tasks, problem-solving scenarios, and a final test, you'll be fully equipped to handle any challenge related to IELTS visuals in your classroom.
How to Teach IELTS Essays covers essential essay requirements, types, organisation techniques, assessment criteria, and teaching strategies. You'll learn how to navigate the complexities of IELTS essay writing with confidence. Through step-by-step guidance, effective tasks, and solutions to common student challenges, you'll be empowered to transform your knowledge into impactful lessons that enhance your students' essay writing skills and overall exam performance.
This Teaching Credential is your gateway to becoming a proficient IELTS Academic Writing instructor, capable of providing targeted support and guidance to help your students achieve their desired Band 7 and beyond.
- Exams
- Exam Preparation
- Writing
After completing the Teaching Credential you will get:
One certificate for each Course
One certificate for completing the Bundle.

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