Boost learning with a positive attitude. Tips for motivation and growth

Developing positive attitudes to learning

Developing positive attitudes to learning


  • Tips & Strategies

What do you think plays a bigger role in a student’s success — their natural abilities or their attitude towards learning?

The truth is, that even the most gifted children can struggle academically if they lose interest in a subject. 

Conversely, students who cultivate a positive approach to learning often achieve far better results. 

By enjoying the process of completing tasks, they become more engaged, focused, and ultimately more productive.

Set clear goals

No one likes to do assignments mindlessly, and students are no exception. You need to make it clear to them what the point of studying your subject is. 

It is important to link the subject to real life and show how this knowledge will be useful to them in the future. 

Explain to students why they need to learn English and what benefits they will get from it. 

Of course, after a while, they may lose inspiration again, so periodically remind them of the main purpose and meaning of learning to keep them motivated.

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Don't overload students

Overburdening students can negatively impact both their performance and motivation

Consider this: when you’re overly tired, it becomes much harder to process and retain information effectively. ​​

Imagine, a student after a long day has one more task: to read several pages of text in a foreign language. What happens? 

They glance over the lines but fail to retain anything. When they arrive in class, they struggle to answer questions about the text, despite spending the entire evening trying to make sense of it. 

Therefore, if you see that the class has a busy period, tests, projects or extra classes, try to adapt the assignments. 

This doesn't mean cancelling them altogether, but making them manageable. 

Try to take into account their general state of mind and create tasks that they can cope with, rather than making them feel like they are on the edge of their strength. 

Discover gamification strategies for engaging language learners

Use interesting materials

In the world of technology, we have access to endless amounts of interesting materials to use in our lessons. 

If you constantly use boring exercises from books, you can't expect students to look forward to your lesson. 

You can spend the lesson with different games, videos, and authentic materials to make the lesson rich and exciting. 

Analyse the interests of the students, most of them probably like the same things and you can adapt the lesson to their interests.

It's a great idea to assign students projects where they can express their creativity and feel free to choose their topic and format. 

These tasks also encourage them to research independently and learn grammar and new vocabulary in context, which is much more effective than the rote memorisation of rules.

Positive feedback

Feedback plays a vital role in helping students recognise their strengths and identify areas for improvement. 

However, it’s important to avoid focusing solely on their weaknesses or emphasising negativity when things don’t go as expected. 

Children and teenagers, in particular, can be highly sensitive to criticism, and overly harsh remarks risk undermining their motivation. 

Instead, focus on their achievements, commend their accurate use of grammar and vocabulary, and reassure them that mistakes are not failures but a natural and essential part of the learning journey.

Our platform offers the online course The Motivated Teen, specifically designed for teachers aiming to create a positive learning environment for teenagers. 

The course explores how to accommodate teenagers' physical, cognitive, and emotional needs to effectively motivate them and maintain their engagement in learning.

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Practical tips to help a student keep up with classmates

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Usage of online tools

Want to engage your students? Feel free to use online tools such as StoryWizard, Classroomscreen and TurboScribe

With the first one, you can create interesting stories with unique characters and illustrations.

As for the second tool, Classroomscreen is perfect for working with younger students and teenagers.

It provides a wide range of interactive widgets that help to visualise the instructions, organise the work of students and create a pleasant learning environment.

TurboScribe is a great tool for working with motivating younger students. 

You create a group for students on this platform where students accumulate points, which can then be redeemed for any lesson or activity you create with the class. For example, if the group collects 500 points, you will organise a pizza party.

In our blog you can learn about effective online tools for teaching languages. 

Leveraging technology in teaching can significantly improve language practice and foster positive learning outcomes for students.

So don’t be afraid to explore.

Fostering a positive attitude towards learning is essential, particularly in the early stages of education. 

As educators, we have the ability to make a significant impact by designing engaging tasks, tailoring approaches to the individual needs of our students, recognising their achievements, and nurturing their creativity. 

By implementing these strategies, you can make learning enjoyable and ensure your students eagerly anticipate the lessons.

Should lessons include a variety of materials, like games and videos, to keep students interested?

Article authors & editors
  • Kateryna Kuchynska

    Kateryna Kuchynska


    Content Manager | Teacher of General English



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