Developing positive attitudes to learning
ELT Upgrade: Planning and Performance

Buy this teaching credential only for $156.8 and save $39.2 for all courses total
Courses in Teaching Credential
About the Teaching Credential
New to TEFL/TESOL, Experienced
Your Students
Adults, Teenagers, Young learners
Required time
32 hours
This Teaching Credential brings together four essential courses designed to elevate your teaching skills, focusing on lesson planning, classroom management, teacher talk, and online teaching tools.
The Basics of Lesson Planning
Master the art of creating effective lesson plans. Learn to identify lesson focus, set clear aims, and optimize the task cycle for better teaching outcomes. This course is perfect for teachers preparing for initial training like CELTA or experienced educators seeking to refine their skills.
The Basics of Classroom Management
Build a strong classroom community and foster a positive learning environment. Explore practical strategies for managing interaction, giving feedback, and resolving common challenges to ensure a productive and harmonious classroom.
Improve Your Teacher Talk
Enhance the quality and effectiveness of your communication in class. Discover how to guide students, present language effectively, and address common teacher talk issues with practical solutions.
Online Teaching Tools
Equip yourself with the skills to teach effectively online. Learn to use digital tools for teaching language systems and skills, manage virtual classrooms, and support student self-study.
This credential is a comprehensive toolkit for modern educators, helping you plan, manage, and deliver lessons with confidence in any teaching context. It is perfect for CELTA fresh teachers and those who would like to refresh and deepen their knowledge.
- Teaching English
- Classroom Management
- Teaching Techniques
- Teaching tools
- Lesson frameworks
- Teaching online
After completing the Teaching Credential you will get:
One certificate for each Course
One certificate for completing the Bundle.

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