Recommendations on picking up the best place to take CELTA

Where is the best place to take CELTA?

Where is the best place to take CELTA?


  • Cambridge English
  • Teaching qualifications
  • Tips & Strategies
  • Methodology

The CELTA course, which is a well-known and one of the most popular ways to develop your teaching skills, is shrouded in myths and legends, one of which says that, as in the case of international exams, there are places on our planet where it is easier to pass the exam or pass CELTA. 

For some reason, this opinion is mainly prevalent among future CELTA trainees who are not native speakers of English, and especially among those who do not live in English-speaking countries. Teachers often ask if it is better to take a course in the UK, Australia, or their home countries.

The truth is that the country where you are going to take CELTA does not matter because all Cambridge Assessment centres are guided by the same standards, and in the end, you will receive the same certificate directly from Cambridge as a teacher from Brussels or Singapore.

However, there are other things to consider that really matter. Today, we will talk about them. We will also try to answer the following questions:

  • Where is the best place to do CELTA?
  • Does it make a difference where to take this course?

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What to consider first?

There are some core factors you need to consider right from the start. They are mainly interconnected with the issues of location and reputation. Below, you will see the complete list of these factors.

Course location

Anyone who wants to study will first ask where it can be done.

Remember that only official authorised centres have the right to run CELTA. Their list can be found on the official website of Cambridge Assessment English.

If the centre you consider taking CELTA in is not on the list, chances are you might not get what you want or may even easily become a victim of the scam.

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Course format

The next thing you have to decide for yourself is how you want to study: online or offline, full-time or part-time. 

Each format has its advantages and disadvantages, but they all have mandatory components, the most important of which is teaching practice. 

While picking up the format that suits you the best, you have to take your lifestyle, job, and individual personal characteristics into consideration and treat even the most minor factors seriously as CELTA is not an easy way to go. 

That is why, you need to make sure you have done everything to focus solely on your studying rather than managing difficulties at work or at home.


This issue may arise if you choose CELTA full-time face-to-face because then you have to look for housing near the training center if you are not local.

Sure, it requires some additional expenses, so make sure you have done your research. 

Moreover, if there is no possibility of finding a good rental close to the training centre, you should do some additional research to find the most suitable city district as well as think about the commuting distance. 

Undoubtedly, such planning takes a lot of time and effort; however, if you are interested in combining studying and traveling as well as building a professional network offline, you won’t avoid these extra preparations.

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The reputation of the centre and trainers

This criterion is probably the most important when choosing a centre for the course.

In the age of the Internet, it is not difficult to find feedback from those who took a course at a particular centre.

You should also look for information on social networks to make your choice.

Before proceeding with any payments or completing any deals, you should carefully examine the centre’s website and compare it with as many options nearby as you can find.

Course price

In general, the price depends on a certain country and local exchange rate, but it ranges between $1600–2000.

This price includes the examination entry fee as well. While planning your budget, you should also count accommodation, some additional studying materials you may need, traveling expenses, etc.


This aspect is very important for those who do the course in the teacher training centre and less crucial for online course participants who will store all the information on the drive.

Before the start of the course, clarify whether the centre you have chosen allows their students to use books, materials and resources, and is well-equipped.

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Other important factors

Now you know the criteria for choosing a place to study. However, some equally important circumstances may affect your choice in one way or another

Your employer

It is no secret that the CELTA course is often chosen by teachers who are considering the prospect of changing jobs, in particular, the prospect of working abroad.

A good employer will require you to have a CELTA certificate. When the employer asks if you studied in an English-speaking or non-English-speaking country, you have to think: does this company really know and understand what CELTA is

Apparently, most of us would not like to work for an organization that divides people into native and non-native English speakers, especially if such a school is accredited by the same organization as CELTA courses.

Teaching practice

If you take your training offline in your home country, you are very likely to teach students who speak your native language. If you do the course online or abroad, you are more likely to practice teaching with students who speak different languages, and have different accents, and backgrounds.

And this is both a plus and a challenge for the teacher. 

You will have an understanding of the difficulties that speakers of other languages have. And you will have to speak English instead of using your native language. It proves once again that after CELTA you will be able to teach students from anywhere in the world.

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Your English level

To complete the course, it must be at least C1.

After all, for you to feel comfortable in the group of peers, understand the theoretical inputs and feedback of trainers, complete written assignments and teach at different levels – A2 and B2 – your level cannot be lower than the level of your students

Moreover, the centres usually check the level of knowledge of the candidates during the interview.

Your experience and education

A degree is not required for the CELTA course, but you will need it to work in most countries around the world. Therefore, it is better if you have at least a bachelor's degree, and it is good if it's an English major or at least a related discipline.

Then you will not have to be distracted by learning grammar and other obvious little things during the course. A degree can also affect your salary. 

In terms of experience, the course is useful for both beginners and experienced teachers (when I took the course I had been teaching for 11 years for example). It's just that both categories of teachers will perceive learning differently, and this experience will be unique for everyone.

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So, the best place to take a CELTA course is one that meets the criteria that are important to you. It does not matter where the course is taken if the candidate is not open to learning and change. 

Choose what you need most and if you are not sure about the first steps in your CELTA journey, Grade University is always there to help you with the right decision.

Do you need to worry about the reputation of the training centre?

Article authors & editors
  • Arina Kravchenko

    Arina Kravchenko


    Teacher of General English & IELTS

  • Yulia Chorna

    Yulia Chorna


    DELTA Module 1, CELTA certified teacher of General & Business English



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